The Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Programs

The Links, Incorporated is an organization of accomplished, dedicated women who are active in your community. The Links members are newsmakers, role models, mentors, activists and volunteers who work toward the realization of making the name “Links” not only a chain of friendship, but also a chain of purposeful service. Links Programming focuses on five different facets: Services to Youth, The Arts, National and International Trends and Services, and Health and Human Services. The Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated works are to provide programs that address these five facets.

The 2017 College Scholarship Award

the deadline for the application is September 8, 2016

The Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Inc. is pleased to announce a partnership that we have established with the Federal Home Loan Bank in order to actively support education at the college level.  This partnership opportunity aligns well with The Links, Incorporated Services to Youth Facet’s primary goal of closing the achievement by supporting those students attending college. The intent is to assist in preparing our youth and young adults for the workforce and enhancing their Career Readiness as healthy citizens.

The scholarship will award $5000.00 each to three selected students who meet the criteria. The Scholarship Award will be presented to the winners during the opening of The Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated’s “Fall Fierce Fashion Show” on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at 6:30PM at the Topeka Performing Arts Center in Topeka.

Also, Federal Home Loan Bank will require the scholarship recipients to attend one of their volunteer opportunities at some time in the future to be determined. A list of dates/opportunities will be made available to choose from at the time of the award.

If you are interested in being a part of this initiative, please indicate your willing to participate in this scholarship application process by viewing more information about the scholarship and applying. (click here).

Services to Youth

The Links, Incorporated continues to implement programs that are responsive to the academic, cultural, health, social awareness, career development, and mentoring needs of youth. The Services to Youth facet is an integrated approach to preparing young people to succeed in the 21st century workforce. The Topeka Chapter of the Links Services to Youth programming includes an annual African American Read-In which children and adults share their favorite books or read excerpts from their favorite books with others. This event is held annually in February at the Topeka Shawnee County Library. Additionally, with the help of the Topeka community through fundraising, over $100,000 in college scholarships have been provided to local high school graduates in order to help them financially in college. These recipents are honored at a baccalaureate service where they not only receive their award but also encouraging words from a community role model. The service ends with a reception for the recipients and their families.

Scholarship Recipients


National and International Trends and Services

The VISION of the National Trends and Services facet is to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers to services through advocacy, education, and service. Our MISSION is to empower the Topeka community in which we live and work. Our GOAL includes increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need.

The Topeka (KS) Chapter of The Links, International focus involves a partnership with an orphanage in South Africa who was in need of black dolls to help improve the self-esteem of the female children living in the orphanage. Throughout the year, the Links collect black dolls and send one large shipment to the orphanage every summer. It is an honor to have the ability to impact children who live across the world. 

The Arts

Linking Art Through Transformative Programming

The Links support of the arts can be traced to our cultured co-founder Margaret Roselle Hawkins. Her innate artistic talent, discovered at a young age, earned her a four-year scholarship to the Women's School of Design, later known as the Moore Institute of Art. Her passion for creative expression later led to her appointment as an art teacher, and helped give root to the establishment of The Arts facet in 1964 at the 14th National Assembly.

Throughout the nation today, Links chapters partner with museums, symphonies, arts councils, educational institutes and corporations in order to support art programs, especially where there is a focus on artists of color. Links are creating and supporting opportunities for educating minority youth in the arts and presenting and supporting performances by youth and accomplished professional artists in a diversity of disciplines.

Health and Human Services

The Links, Incorporated established the Health and Human Services facet in response to the chronic health disparities that persist in black communities and result in the decreased life expectancy of African Americans and other people of African ancestry. The goal of HHS is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources. Community education about health risks is crucial and The Links, Incorporated plays a significant role in providing it.

The HeartLinks to Heart Health Signature Program encourages Links members and communities to take an aggressive stance against heart disease, the number one killer of African-American women.  HeartLinks accomplishes its goal by equipping Links chapters with numerous ways to implement heart healthy activities in their communities including: Walk for a Healthy Living, Red Dress events, and cardiovascular risk reduction programs.